Thursday, November 17, 2011

JoAnn Fabric Contest Quilt

You know I have got to be crazy to even consider this, but it has happened.  A neighbor showed up at my door a couple months ago and had this flyer in her hand.  She says "You really need to enter this contest".  I'm thinking, what????  me, enter a quilt contest.  I'm a beginner or advanced beginner I guess.  So, I think about it for a couple days then call her and say "Okay, I'll do it".  Next thing I know we're in her car on the way to JoAnn Fabric to get the material needed for the quilt.  

Once I got the fabric I had to find just the right pattern.  I stumbled across a vintage pattern called Rolling Star. How vintage, you can't find it on the quilt pattern sites, that's how vintage.  I fell in love with the design and I was off and running.  

Tried to do the star on the sewing machine but just couldn't get it to work, so I did the entire top by hand.  Came out a lot better than I expected.  Got the top completed, sandwiched the quilt and quilted it.  Then I had to decide on a border.  Friends on Facebook suggested I use Prairie Points.  Prairie Points???  What the heck are Prairie Points and how do you make them.  So, back to the web to find them.  Okay that looks easy enough, just folding over fabric to make triangles.  Made a whole lot of them for what is basically a wall quilt.  

All the work is now done, the photos are taken and on the way to JoAnn Fabric along with my application and receipts of the fabric I purchased. They're sneaky, you can only use JoAnn Fabric to enter the contest and they want documentation you did buy your fabric from them.  

So, now we're in a hurry up and wait state of mind.  It's gonna be a really rough two months until they decide who wins.  I'm gonna be a nervous wreck by that time.  

Oh, where's the quilt, duh, forgot to show you.  Here's what it looks like.  I call this quilt DOUBLE VISION because it looks like it's spinning if you just let your eyes roam over it, but if you really concentrate on it, it looks like the towers are coming right at you.  

So, keep your fingers crossed and a few prayers wouldn't hurt either that this is a finalist.  I would be ever so excited and in shock if it was chosen since this is my first time entering a quilt contest.  Catch you all on the flip side.